Monday, September 1, 2008

Send Out Cards - How Do I Get Started?

Hello! Welcome to our Send Out Cards team! I can remember when I first started my business two years ago in June of 2006 - I was so excited about our company, and how I could touch people with heartfelt greeting cards, that I wanted to stop every person I met. what? How do you actually build your team?

With any business, you need to build your skills if you want to be taken seriously. If you treat this as a business, your paycheck will show it, if you treat it as the occasional hobby, your paycheck will reflect that as well. I will support your decision either way...just be clear which path you are choosing so you are not frustrated with your results.

Step 1: Go to: - this is our company's official training web site, created by the top people in our company. Print out the 90-day action plan, and do the 8 steps listed every day.

Step 2: Stay involved - your team will do what you do. Listen to our team's weekly training calls. Judy O'Higgins & Jordan Adler will send out weekly e-mails on their Monday team calls. Go to as many Treat 'Em Right (TER) seminars as possible. For every guest I have brought, 9 out of 10 sign up with me because they see the amazing vision of our company, product & service. Most importantly, you must absolutely PLAN on attending our next convention on September 23rd-26th, 2009. Invest in your business! For the 14 people on our team that attended this year's convention with me, we will never be the same again because of what we experienced.

Step 3: For our team in Arizona - I hold an informal "Coffee & Cards" team training every Friday at the following location:
Copper Star Bank
7655 W. Thunderbird Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85381
The skills I teach will help you build your team as well as help you in your primary business in building loyal customers. For those of you outside of Arizona - I encourage you to start your own version of Coffee & Cards - you will build your team faster if you step up and become a leader in your city!

Step 4: Write out your "why" - why do you want to be successful? Is it a better life for you and your family? Do you have a huge vision inside of you that will affect many, many people you don't even know yet? Your why will keep you going when you're having a bad day, when you heard 3 people tell you "no" (by the way, "no" just means, "not now") it will also compel you to pick up the phone, even when you don't feel like it.

Step 5: Send out heartfelt cards (give to give) - no selling (give to get) When you make a difference in someone's life, you will see amazing blessings come into your life. Walk those people through sending a card to someone they care about, and keep repeating this over and over.

Step 6: Find ways to be of service to people, and you will have friends and customers for life. This is so simple, that most people dismiss this, and wonder why their business isn't growing. Don't make things more complicated than necessary.

Some of my favorite books:
Beach Money - by Jordan Adler
Your First Year In Network Marketing - by Mark & Rene Yarnell
The Slight Edge - by Jim Olsen
Spirit Driven Success - by Dani Johnson

Some of my Mentors:
I have attended many of Eric and Dani's seminars and the skills I have learned have helped my grow my team in huge ways...plug into their training seminars!
Eric Lofholm -
Dani Johnson -

Your measure of success will be how many people have you actually walked through sending a card? You can send cards and talk to people, but the success will come in the sheer number of people you ACTUALLY WALK THROUGH SENDING A CARD. There is no way around it. Two things happen...the Sender has a light bulb that goes off when they click "send" and secondly, the person who Receives the card calls them and thanks them for making their day. If you are frustrated because you're not "signing up more people" I will ask you how many people have you actually walked through a gift account? Usually this is the issue.

Jordan Adler taught me a huge lesson two years ago - he shared how someone said to him that for every 24-30 people you sign up personally, 1-2 people will go on to build huge teams. He then had about 12 of the top ranked people in our company come up to the front of the room. He asked a couple of key questions: "How long have you been in SOC, How many people have you signed up personally, How many people in your total team, How many people actually make up 80% of your income" As each person recited their numbers, it was amazing that each of these top income earners usually signed up about 2 Entrepreneurs a month and their total team count was HUGE compared to how many they each signed up personally. I realized my numbers were exactly the same as theirs, and that the only difference was that I hadn't been doing it as long as they had - so CONSISTENCY over TIME is the answer!

Where do most people fail in network marketing? They give up too easily. They don't realize it's all about a number ratio - The more people you talk to and walk through sending a card, the more you will have sign up - period. It comes down to badly do you want to set a different course for your life and that of your children? I have a favorite saying...Life is not by luck, it is by what kind of architect are you being for your life???


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