Sunday, April 20, 2014

Entrepreneurship Isn't For Everyone

Entrepreneurship - that leap from working in a "career" to working on your dream. Deciding to follow your passion and live the life of an entrepreneur takes risk, courage and a whole lotta heart. I decided to leave my corporate career eight years ago and have learned what I'm made of through many lessons along the way! At times I found myself going from feelings of excitement to anxiety, wondering if I made the right decision. Now, eight years later I know without a doubt it was the best decision I made for my life. I have made lifelong friends who have blessed me tremendously - people who I never would have met had I not stepped up and said "yes" to opportunities. If you're at a crossroads in your life, wondering if you should dust off your dream and pursue it, here's a question to consider..."What will my life look like in 5 years if I stay on my current path?" If you don't like the answer to that, then taking a step towards your dream is worth your time. Find the fortitude to go after the vision that was placed on your heart - only you have the unique gifts and talents to make it shine. I would love to hear what you decide!


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