How To Handle Objections
How to Handle Objections on a Call With a Prospect
Kristi Lee, Senior Manager
Always be sensitive to your prospects needs. There may be a lot of personal stuff going on in their life that has nothing to do with if they will use SOC or not. Remember a “No” today, doesn’t necessarily mean “NO” forever. Do not take a rejection/objection personally.
Common objections you may hear:
- I make my own cards.
- My personal experience…Saw SOC at the Small Business Expo in April 2006, Said NO, because I made my own cards. I was also going through some personal issues at the time. Said yes, in June 2006 and made Sr. Mgr in November 2006.
- I don’t know if this is a cost-effective way for me to communicate with existing customers, or attract new ones.
- State “Why Customers Leave" from Jordan’s web site. If you send one card a quarter to your customers expressing appreciation for their business, you will spend less than $5 per customer per year. It is much easier to keep great customers rather than trying to win them back!
- I love your system, but I can’t afford it right now.
- I understand – do you see that changing anytime soon? Be quiet and let them answer. When would be a good date for me to follow up with you? Once the prospect gives you a date…MAKE SURE to write it in your planner/Outlook calendar/Blackberry, etc. and CALL THEM BACK!
- I’m leaning towards the Wholesale account because I don’t know if the Entrepreneur Account makes sense for me.
- Is that because you are focusing on your primary business? Wait for answer…I can understand you may not want to manage a second business, but do you know at least one person that would use our system to build their business or personal relationships? If you become a Distributor, and you sign up a Wholesale or Entrepreneur account, you will get $120 for each account, which more than pays for the $100 difference between the two accounts. It’s always nice to have a second stream of income. If you know 4 people that would use our system, it would more than pay for your initial investment, plus you will earn commissions for life on every card they send out. This can help pay for your own card usage.
- I already spend a lot of money on marketing.
- I understand. Just out of curiosity, what kind of return do you get on the advertising you are currently doing? If you use our system to send a client a card 4-5 times a year, you will be retaining them and getting new referrals for about $5.00 per client.
- My company will not allow us to use anything other than our corporate stationary. Relate story of Edward Jones…
- I understand…how is that working for you? Listen to answer…Do you see yourself using this for personal use with friends and family members to help strengthen your relationships with them? Do you send out Christmas cards? How long does that typically take?
- My company (bank, Doctor’s office, Insurance Agency) is concerned about our client’s information being kept confidential. Is your web site safe to use? And, do they sell the client lists?
- Our database is kept completely confidential and is double encrypted – which is the same security level banks use. At no time does SOC sell or share personal information (you create your own password so nobody else has access to your account).
- “Hello, this is Kristi Lee with SendOotCards. We met the other day at the ___________________. Did I catch you at a good time?"
- I always ask this question because this will have a huge impact on the quality of your call and your future relationship with this person. Respect their time and schedule, do not force yourself on the person. If you are calling at a bad time, they will be distracted and will not retain what you’re saying.
- If the answer to this question is “NO”, then ask when would be a better time to call back. Then, make sure to follow through!
- I don’t have time to work this business.
- I will work with you to get your investment back, and if you want me to work any additional prospects then we can have you be the sponsor, and I will collect the coaching fee. (Mention Carolyn Freeman’s services. She is a virtual assistant and also a SOC distributor. She does gift account walk throughs and system coachings for others for a fee: 928-634- 0656 E-Mail:
- Do you see yourself using this system for your business and personal relationships? If the person truly is not interested, then…
- ASK for referrals.
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