Saturday, July 18, 2009

Super Saturday Team Training July 18th, 2009

Arizona hosted our first "Super Saturday" Team Training event today! Hosted by Michael Yanke & Jeff Packard, we had an all-star line up of top leaders in our company who shared great tips and techniques to grow our Send Out Cards business by emphasizing the business opportunity. Listed below are the details and agenda (I added my notes I took during each of the speakers' parts). We will have our next one August 8th.

The local leaders of the Arizona Send Out Cards Team would like to invite you to the first Arizona Super Saturday event in Scottsdale, Arizona. This event will share the business behind the card and will also have an intensive training following the business overview. Seating is limited and lunch is included in the price of attendance. Due to limited seating, please arrive early for registration.

Location: Scottsdale Plaza Resort 7200 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85253

Cost: $15 per Distributor

Guests: Guests interested in the SendOutCards product and business opportunity are welcome and encouraged to attend the business overview at 10am for free. If you would like to have your guest stay for the training and receive lunch the cost is $10 per guest.

If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Packard at

9am Registration Opens

10am Business Overview begins Welcome, show DVD, Starting biz 3 card stories, making money back & profit

10:45-11:00 Sponsor Break
This is the time for you to walk your guest through sending a card and if they are ready to get started, sign them up - bring your laptop!

11:00-11:20 Michael Yanke - Building with business opportunity Making immediate $300-$500/month Michael went over the way we can introduce the compensation plan in an understandable way to our prospects:

"Who are 3 people I know who can make a commitment like me?
1. Joan = $120
2. Sue = $120
3. Mike = $120
Total = $360 (Gets your investment back)

Get another 9 Entrepreneurs started, and you get promoted to:

1. Luke = $170
2. Joe = $170
3. Bob = $170
Total = $510

Get another 9 Entrepreneurs started, and you get promoted to:

Senior Manager
1. Mary = $220
2. Rick = $220
3. Don = $220
Total = $660

Michael also recommended getting yourself the following two books:
1. Big Al Tells All by Tom "Big Al" Schreiter
2. 45 Second Napkin Presentation by Don & Nancy Failla (35 points/$9.00 Expense in the SOC gift section)

Order the Business Opportunity DVD's in our Purchase Products section:
20 DVD's for $19.95
100 DVD's for $75 can also include a DVD with a card for free, and you pay the .17 cents extra postage (Michael's opinion, this is less effective versus handing it out in person, or sit down with a bag of popcorn and watch it with your prospect)
Make a 3 month commitment on handing out DVD's - 20-30 per month, put a sticker on each DVD with your contact information. Create a sense of urgency when giving these out, with a one or two day limit for the person to get it back to you so you can loan it to someone else.

NOTE: Every 11 seconds people join a network marketing company, why not ours???

11:20-11:30 Barbara Starley - Using the Roadmap to Success with her team
Barbara prints out the "Daily Roadmap" found in the and uses this to help each of her new team members to duplicate by helping to track their progress. She actively does 3-way in person meetings and calls. One piece of not "hold" someone to sign them up when you make Manager or Sr. Manager...she had someone on her team do this and the three key people signed up on someone else's team. All of the top leaders have seen the same thing. Sign people up when they are ready, do not waste time strategizing!

11:30-11:40 Nick/Jaime Kraintz - Response from cards
Nick and Jaime did a great job showcasing the amazing cards that they create and send out to their prospects. They shared card stories of how their prospects react and call them back because their cards are so creative and heartfelt.

11:40-12:00 Chuck Pousson - Power of Network Marketing
Employees make up 95% of the overall population in America. They split 5% of the wealth today (Core value = Security). Business owners make up 5% of the overall population in America and they split 95% of the wealth in America (Core value = Freedom) We all only have 24 hours in a day...Doctors, Lawyers, Commission Salespeople - all of these industries trade time for dollars. How do the wealthy make money? Their time is LEVERAGED. 3 Key Financial Principles: Leverage Time, Leverage Money, Build Residual Income. The average American needs an extra $500 to $1,000 per month to stay out of bankruptcy. "When you're in a niche, you'll get rich"

12:00-12:15 Break - Grab your box lunch and get back to seats

12:15-12:30 Recognition - Managers, Sr. Managers, Executives

12:30-12:45 Tricia Costa - Sponsoring at Group Presentations
Make sure you have enough time for your presentation (Tricia sponsored 42 Entrepreneurs at one presentation to Realtors, and another 22 Entrepreneurs at another presentation to business owners) Ideally, you need one hour: 20 minutes of card stories, do a gift account walkthrough (GAW) Do not ask for a volunteer to send a card by letting them go through the card catalog and choosing their own card and message, because you may get a person who takes 10 minutes to select the card. Have a Picture Plus card ready, tell them what to type, send a gift, click send. Go into your presentation assuming/believing that the Entrepreneur is the best package. Ask "is there anyone in the room who is not an entrepreneur? Because I would be doing you a disservice by not telling you about the possibilities that this account has (she only offers the Entrepreneur package). Please take out your credit cards and follow me to the back. I will enter your information into our system and will give you a User name & password by the end of the day"

12:45-1:00 Melissa Guthrie - Duplication through teamwork
Melissa talked about the importance of Being the right Team Player, Doing the daily actions, and Having the right attitude. We are all subsets of larger teams and we have the responsibility to show up to the events, listen to the calls and stay plugged in.

1:00-1:30 Ron Marks - Leading a team, managing for results
Sales Management versus Sales Leadership. 47% of college graduates will go into sales within 3 years. An effective manager understands the desired result then coordinates the tasks and activities it will take to accomplish the goal. A leader inspires other to want to accomplish the desired goal then provides the means by which it can be done. Our job is to help raise people's commitment level. In order to attract quality team members, you and your organization must become attractive. Spend personal time with individuals 20% and 80% of your time with your group, so no one feels like you are playing favorites. The best sales managers and leaders have these common traits (minimize your chances of failure):
1. They work every day at building a balanced production team
2. They work harder at earning respect than being liked by their team
3. They don't play favorites among the sales force
4. They constantly sell a vision of "selling" to their team
5. They are great listeners and attack pending challenges immediately
6. They promote a spirit of learning and growth
7. They always praise in public and criticize in private
8. They always enjoy their sales people's success and take responsibility for the outcome

1:30-2:00 Michael Yanke - Meetings driving your business
A leading network marketing company in the insurance industry have 20,000 people a month join their organization. 4,000 go on to use the product, 2,000 actually get their license, 18,000 do nothing, 10% are gone in a certain period of time. In SOC, we retain 95% of everyone who comes in...this is unprecedented in the network marketing industry! People are looking for share ability of SOC. Think in terms of 30 day cycles...train the trainer...don't hide behind the business from your computer. Get out and meet people face to face to grow your business.

2:00-2:15 Judy O’Higgins - Send Out Cards culture, power of cards
Judy shared her personal story of being a counselor for 25 years and changing the life of one of her patients suffering from low self esteem by sending him a card with an Eagle on it with affirmations on the inside. Her patient read the affirmations every day and it changed his life. It was then Judy realized how our cards can change lives and ultimately the world. She was able to retire from counseling in two years by working her SOC business.

2:15-2:20 Jeff Packard - Close event, thank you, announce next event
Our local team leaders are committed to continuing our Super Saturday events. Our next one will be August 8th - same location, time and cost. We will skip September because of our national convention in Salt Lake City, we will be back on October & November, and skip December for the holidays. Take advantage of this and bring your guests, grow your business, get going!


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