Friday, October 2, 2009

What in the world is a SOC BOX?

We just had our 2009 National Convention last week - and the biggest buzz is around our newest product launch...SOC BOX! What is that and how do I sell it? It is a $49 price point and it was created to capture the women consumers who make up 80% of the greeting card purchases. It is ideal for Home Parties, and for those who aren't thrilled about hosting home parties, think of the many possibilities (retail store fronts, fundraisers, expos)

* Wholesale Cost $25
* $49 Price Point ($24 Profit)
* Includes 10 Cards/Stamps ($2 per card, including stamp)
* Access to 2 panel cards only
* No Contact Manager System
* Customer reloads minimum 10 cards/stamps ($20) at a time
* Capture the customer who wants to save time/money
* Customer can upgrade to "RA = Retail Affiliate" for $25.
* RA's can sell SOC BOX's
* For every 10 sold and activated within 30 days, $100 bonus is given
* Once an RA sells 10, their status changes to "QRA"
* QRA's count towards Mgr/Sr.Mgr promotions

Please see below for two agendas created by Laura Agrigades; she has hosted over 1,000 Pampered Chef home parties:


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