How To...Decrease The Size Of A URL Link
Happy February Everyone!
Four years ago, I made the decision to leave my corporate job of 20 years in Marketing and Retail because I was about to moved to yet another state (this time to Boise, Idaho) Nothing against Idahoans, but I was born and raised in L.A!
Here is one of the great things I love about being in network marketing...I have met people who have added so much depth to my life (from relationships, to sharing ideas, to seeing people step into their greatness and share their gifts with others)
On my previous post, I listed an incredibly long url link to download a free e-book of The Science of Getting Rich. Thanks to Don Deasy, he shared this web site:, which decreased the link to a smurf-sized version - really cool stuff!
I love being in the people business! I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and meet some incredible people who are waiting for an opportunity to change their lives!
To your success!