Thursday, September 4, 2008

How To Send Someone A "Card Shower"

Kim Freid - Text for Card Shower

Card Shower for Tracy (a friend fighting cancer)

Let's do a Card Shower for Tracy. Jason and I have set up an account with enough credits for anyone who wants to participate in a card shower for Tracy to do so. The idea is for as many people as possible to send an actual greeting card (not an e-card) to Tracy in the next 7 days. Let's shower her with love and support through cards!

Here's how you do it:

  • Go to-
  • Enter in USER NAME: tracy and PASSWORD: fighter
  • An information page will pop up asking you for your name and address. This info is used to create the return address on your envelope. I promise it will not be used for anything else.
  • Choose your own username and password.
  • Once you enter your information in, it will take you to the main menu page.
  • Send a card by clicking on the "card catalog" link on the red bar. It will allow you to choose from more than 7,000 cards in various categories.
  • Click the category you would like and then pick a card.
  • Once you choose "card" underneath your card of choice, a screen will come up letting you edit the inside of the card.
  • Choose a font and ink color and then type your message to Tracy in the text box.
  • Enter Tracy's mailing address into the recipient info line.
  • Click "preview" at the bottom of the screen.
  • If you like the way it looks, click "Send Card". To edit, click Back/Edit.
  • Once you click Send, your card will then be printed, stuffed, sealed stamped and taken to the post office for you.
  • Tracy will receive all the cards within 2-4 days and feel the love coming at her from all over the country.

All information will be kept confidential. The system is VERY user friendly! Feel free to call if you have any questions and pass this on to anyone else who might participate! All cards should be sent by March 3.

Tracy's story puts our lives into perspective every day! We hope this is a nice way to show her that she is a blessing to us all!

With Love,

Kim Freid


How To Handle Objections

How to Handle Objections on a Call With a Prospect

Kristi Lee, Senior Manager

Always be sensitive to your prospects needs. There may be a lot of personal stuff going on in their life that has nothing to do with if they will use SOC or not. Remember a “No” today, doesn’t necessarily mean “NO” forever. Do not take a rejection/objection personally.

Common objections you may hear:

  • I make my own cards.
    • My personal experience…Saw SOC at the Small Business Expo in April 2006, Said NO, because I made my own cards. I was also going through some personal issues at the time. Said yes, in June 2006 and made Sr. Mgr in November 2006.
  • I don’t know if this is a cost-effective way for me to communicate with existing customers, or attract new ones.
    • State “Why Customers Leave" from Jordan’s web site. If you send one card a quarter to your customers expressing appreciation for their business, you will spend less than $5 per customer per year. It is much easier to keep great customers rather than trying to win them back!
  • I love your system, but I can’t afford it right now.
    • I understand – do you see that changing anytime soon? Be quiet and let them answer. When would be a good date for me to follow up with you? Once the prospect gives you a date…MAKE SURE to write it in your planner/Outlook calendar/Blackberry, etc. and CALL THEM BACK!
  • I’m leaning towards the Wholesale account because I don’t know if the Entrepreneur Account makes sense for me.
    • Is that because you are focusing on your primary business? Wait for answer…I can understand you may not want to manage a second business, but do you know at least one person that would use our system to build their business or personal relationships? If you become a Distributor, and you sign up a Wholesale or Entrepreneur account, you will get $120 for each account, which more than pays for the $100 difference between the two accounts. It’s always nice to have a second stream of income. If you know 4 people that would use our system, it would more than pay for your initial investment, plus you will earn commissions for life on every card they send out. This can help pay for your own card usage.
  • I already spend a lot of money on marketing.
    • I understand. Just out of curiosity, what kind of return do you get on the advertising you are currently doing? If you use our system to send a client a card 4-5 times a year, you will be retaining them and getting new referrals for about $5.00 per client.
  • My company will not allow us to use anything other than our corporate stationary. Relate story of Edward Jones…
    • I understand…how is that working for you? Listen to answer…Do you see yourself using this for personal use with friends and family members to help strengthen your relationships with them? Do you send out Christmas cards? How long does that typically take?
  • My company (bank, Doctor’s office, Insurance Agency) is concerned about our client’s information being kept confidential. Is your web site safe to use? And, do they sell the client lists?
    • Our database is kept completely confidential and is double encrypted – which is the same security level banks use. At no time does SOC sell or share personal information (you create your own password so nobody else has access to your account).
  • “Hello, this is Kristi Lee with SendOotCards. We met the other day at the ___________________. Did I catch you at a good time?"
    • I always ask this question because this will have a huge impact on the quality of your call and your future relationship with this person. Respect their time and schedule, do not force yourself on the person. If you are calling at a bad time, they will be distracted and will not retain what you’re saying.
    • If the answer to this question is “NO”, then ask when would be a better time to call back. Then, make sure to follow through!
  • I don’t have time to work this business.
    • I will work with you to get your investment back, and if you want me to work any additional prospects then we can have you be the sponsor, and I will collect the coaching fee. (Mention Carolyn Freeman’s services. She is a virtual assistant and also a SOC distributor. She does gift account walk throughs and system coachings for others for a fee: 928-634- 0656 E-Mail:
  • Do you see yourself using this system for your business and personal relationships? If the person truly is not interested, then…
    • ASK for referrals.

Methods Of Follow Up And Keeping Track

Suggestions from Frank Amdur, who was the #1 System Coach in the whole company for December, 2006

I try to schedule 15 minutes every week with my sponsor to set goals, share ideas and be held accountable. Accountability check-ins really help you achieve so much more.Every day I save one hour to call friends and prospects to set appointments for a gift account. Since I work a full time job and have a family, my time for SOC is 3:30pm to 5:00pm Monday through Thursday.There are four steps in the process:
  1. Introductions to set appointment for a gift account.
    a. I have this great Internet relationship tool I want to share with you. Let’s make a 10 to 15 minute telephone appointment when you can be in front of your computer.
    b. I don’t know how to explain it but I can show you on the computer in just a few minutes. I am very excited to share this online relationship tool with you. I wanted to tell you about it so you won’t miss out like I did for a year while my friend waited to tell me about it. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do.
    c. Let’s try Tuesday at 3:30 or Wednesday at 6:30pm.
  2. Do the gift account walk through.
  3. Decision to buy – three ways to become a sender of cards
  4. Teach, train, and duplicate (3 way call with new team members).
Relationship-Building Ideas:I have an introductory card that just says it was nice to talk with you and I look forward to learning more about you. I set this card campaign up to remind me to do a follow up call in 8 days. If you don’t follow up they will not either.Most everywhere I go I say thank you and I would like to give you a gift. Here is my card, give me a call and I will let you send a Hallmark type card to someone special anywhere in the United States.I try to teach my kids and associates at work by example. I act positive, therefore I am a positive person. I treat everyone special, from the Janitor to the CEO of the company, because we need everyone.Little things seem to make people very happy.
  • I always ask “What can I do to make you day better?”
  • Everyone wants to do business with people they KNOW, RESPECT, AND VALUE!
  • Most everyone takes a coffee break. Schedule 10 minutes to send a card.
Working a room at Chamber Mixers or Business Meetings:
  • Get their Business Card
  • Ask: What do you like about what you currently do? Knowing what you know today, what would you change or do different in your life?
  • If, I could send you three people, what industry would they be from? Who would be a good power partner with you, serving similar clientele?
  • Take them and introduce them to others in the room and then move on.
  • Don’t worry about promoting yourself at this time, make follow up calls. They will think very highly of you because you helped them share and seek business.

I send this card to SOC prospects who say they don’t send cards. I send this to them on their birthday:

Dear ____,

It is a blessing to have special people in your life. All of my friends know and feel I care. Hopefully your clients and friends know you care, too. If you're not letting them know, Send Out Cards can help.

I look forward to many good years of rich friendships, good health and prosperity.

If I can ever help you personally, you can count on me.

Your Card Guy,
Frank Amdur

I hope this helps a little and I look forward meeting each of you and personally spending time with all of you soon.“Your Card Guy”
Frank Amdur

Connecting With Your Leads Using Campaign Cards

Notes from Team Call on February 5, 2007

Connecting With Your Leads Using Campaign Cards

Recording Playback Number: 641-985-5000
Access Code: 784665#

Follow up is the life-blood of our business. Even when we have prospects who LOVE SendOutCards, this does not ensure that they will follow up on their own to get an account. It’s very easy for them to put this on the back burner.

Some people are ready to sign up during the initial gift account walk through, and some people want time to think about it. If a prospect is certain they want some kind of an account, I encourage them to get what they KNOW they want, and then upgrade later. If they are not ready to decide, I do my best to set a follow-up date with them to answer any questions they have.

All that being said, some people are not ready to make a decision and don’t want to schedule a follow up call. If YOU don’t do something to keep them on your radar, they may slip through the cracks and never get around to setting up an account…or someone else may follow up with them when they are ready and you will miss the opportunity to sponsor them.

There are several ways you can follow up:

  1. Phone call
  2. Email
  3. Face to face
  4. Sending cards

Regardless of what your “next step” is, you need a good system in place to remind you to follow up. Some of us use electronic reminders in Outlook, ACT!, a Palm Pilot, etc. Some of us use paper reminders, such as a to-do list, a reminder handwritten on a calendar, or a handwritten message in the tickler file. Regardless of what you do, you need to find a way that works consistently for you. Next week we will be talking about this more, so tune in then.

Focus for this call: the use of campaign cards.

Last fall I assembled a group of about 40 team members -- we called ourselves the Campaign Development Team. We collectively created a number of campaign cards that were intended to share with each other. Tonight I am sharing access to these campaigns with you. Before I do so, I need to explain a few things:

  1. Why we created the campaigns the way we did.
  2. How you can access them.
  3. Who you can share them with and how.

To begin, I need to explain how we can forward a campaign from one SOC account to another. When you access the Manage Campaigns link from your Card Manager Main Menu, you will see the names of all existing campaigns that were created in that user’s account. All distributor accounts come with one pre-created campaign called First Look. You will see the name of the campaign (First Look), followed by Edit, Remove, and Copy to User

When you click on Copy to User, you can then enter in the user ID number for ANY account in the SOC system. That includes your gift accounts. So if I have a prospect with a gift account ID of s192879, I simply enter that ID number into the Copy to User field and it will send the campaign to that gift account. If someone is sending a campaign to my account, they would enter my four-digit account ID number.

Once you have sent a campaign, it must be received by the owner of the account you sent it to. When you log into that account, at the bottom of the main menu it will say, “Someone has sent you a campaign. Click here to accept it.” Then this campaign is added to the campaigns in that account.

So here’s what you need to understand about the process: Campaigns can only be forwarded from the “owner account” for the campaign. In other words, if someone forwarded you a campaign, you cannot then forward it to someone else because your account did not create the original campaign. This is why our team created all campaigns in what we called Dummy Gift Accounts.

Once you create a Dummy Gift Account, you can give the user name and password to that account to anyone you choose. This is how the Campaign Development Team created our shared campaigns. We created different dummy accounts for different kinds of campaigns, to make it easier for us and our customers to find what they need. For example, a real estate agent will want to go to the "RealEstate" account and a Mary Kay Cosmetics consultant will want to go to the "MaryKay" account. Neither will want to wade through campaigns that don't interest them. Plus, one niche may have MANY campaigns created for it. If you want to see the campaign cards created by a Mary Kay consultant in our group, log out of your account and log in to user name marykaycards and password 12345. Now you can go to Manage Campaigns and see the campaign cards there. If you want to use these cards yourself or forward them to a prospect or customer, simply click on “Copy to User” and forward it to the user ID for that person. We tried to name the user name for the title of the niche, and the password is almost always 12345.

Once our Campaign Development Team created some dummy accounts and filled them with campaigns, we created the Campaign Vault. This is just an Excel spreadsheet that lists the name of the campaign, the user name and password you need to log into SOC with in order to find it, the author’s name, and the expiration date (since gift accounts can only be set up for 365 days, we will need to renew these annually).

Here is our Campaign Development Team’s request:

  1. NO EDITS OR DELETES IN THE GIFT ACCOUNTS: If you are going to use these campaigns, please first familiarize yourself with how it works and PROMISE not to edit or delete anything in a Dummy Gift Account. You can edit all you want AFTER you forward it to your regular account. The Dummy Gift Account is to VIEW ONLY, and then you can forward whatever you want to your account, then edit it to your heart’s desire.
  2. CONTRIBUTE TO THE CAMPAIGN VAULT by creating your own “dummy” gift accounts, then creating your own original campaigns in the Dummy Gift Account. Campaigns can only be forwarded from the "owner", so if your Dummy Gift Account "owns" the campaign, you can forward it to your own personal account by using "Copy to User" in the Manage Campaigns menu of the Dummy Gift Account. Others can also forward it to themselves from this same account. If someone they know wants it, they will not be able to forward it from their own account, but can always refer others back to the Dummy Gift Account to forward it from there. Why don’t you want to create this in your own regular account? Because you won’t want to give your own user name and password to the world by posting it in the Campaign Vault! You probably also don’t want everyone and their brother contacting YOU to forward your campaign to them when they could just as easily forward it to themselves or their own customers & prospects.
  3. BE SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU SHARE THE LINKS BELOW WITH. If you share it with someone who does not understand how the Dummy Gift Accounts work, someone could go in and wipe out all of our hard work or make edits that the authors would not appreciate. You are welcome to share this with customers and distributors once you have taken the time to educate them about how it works. Please do not share this with prospects. You can forward a campaign from a Dummy Gift Account to your prospect’s gift account if you want them to see a particular campaign.

A few important notes:

  1. Take some time to look over the campaigns created by others, and only transfer the campaigns you want to use. It can be overwhelming to have too many campaigns in your account. Too many choices can be paralyzing!
  2. Notice when you get into the Campaign Vault that it also indicates if the cards inside are custom cards. If the card has been created either as a custom card or as a PicturePlus card, you will also have to go to that part of the Card Catalog and forward those cards to your account, or you will not be able to access the campaigns with custom or PicturePlus cards used.
  3. PLEASE transfer the campaigns you want and then MAKE THE CARD YOUR OWN by editing it to fit your personality and writing style. The recipient will not receive it as well if it does not sound authentic or if it does not match the way you usually write. Be sure it is sincere and it sounds like you.
  4. If you select a multiple-piece campaign and do not want to use all the pieces, AFTER you have transferred it into YOUR account, you can delete the pieces you don’t want to send.
  5. If you want to change the interval of time that lapses between multiple piece campaign cards, you can edit the send date. Let’s say that you copy a 6-piece campaign to your account and you only want to use cards # 1, 2 and 6. You can delete cards 3, 4, and 5 from YOUR account. Then you will need to look at the send date and edit the date for the 6th card so it goes out after card #2 on whatever date you want.

Here is where you will find links to all of the work we did as a Campaign Development Team:

Here is the access to the Campaign Vault, where all the user names and passwords are listed:

Let me know if you have questions about how this works:

Kathy Paauw

Where And How Do Your Find Prospects?

Notes from Team Support Call on January 29, 2007

TOPIC: Where and how do you find prospects?

Kathy Palmer talked about how she leveraged herself by showing SOC to a couple who were head of a financial planning group she belongs to. They signed up, and now they want to show it to 60 agents connected with their group!

Judy O'Higgins talked about maximizing the opportunity when you "Bump Into" someone unexpected as happened with her new Pest Control company. By asking the right questions, you can find out if there is interest in card sending to the company's customers and schedule a gift account walk through for them. Judy got a new Entrepreneur from this method.

Kathy Paauw mentioned that "bump-intos" can be with people you meet online, too -- email you receive, chat rooms, etc.

Vauna Powell talked about doing this method with people who come to your home to do repairs or remodeling, and has signed up several new card senders from people who came to her new home for various reasons (smoke alarm person, deck builder, etc).

The Main Categories mentioned on the call were:

  • Warm Market - ask for referrals
  • Cold Market: - ask for referrals
  • Professional Groups
  • Networking Groups
  • Events & Trade Shows (with or without a booth)
  • Small Group Presentations
  • Bump Into’s

On a future call we may want to discuss the concept of the Target Market.

Notes from Jordan Adler’s call a few weeks ago on the same topic

(Interview of members from the Eagle’s Nest):

Trade Associations – (Sarah Barnhart)

Previous career - associations you belonged to

Convention Center or Chamber of Commerce knows where a trade association is having a convention. They have exhibitors. Maybe be an exhibitor.

Trade Association Meetings – can you go to those?

Talk with people who are doing training or doing seminars.

Ask questions about them, and they reciprocate by asking about you.

Tell them that “SOC is a unique blend of the Internet with a traditional printed greeting card. What I’d really love to do is show you how it works. Do you send thank you cards? How do you let people you know that you appreciate them?” Talk about Tom Hopkins or Brian Buffini and how they have effectively used greeting cards.

Personal Growth Seminars – great place to meet people

Networking Organization – (D’Vorah Lansky)

Monthly coffee – 60 seconds to share about their business, what types of referrals they are looking for. She builds relationships, and people come to her thanking her for her cards and calls. Takes 3-12 months to build the business. Nurture relationships FIRST. Get so many people in the pipeline so you don’t have to worry about it.

Small Group Presentations – (Chad Bamrick)

Offices – can have one person send a card, but that is the only person who has the emotional experience. Must follow up with others to have them send a card themselves. The intellectual experience is not the same as the emotional experience.

The goal is to set up the gift account, not to sign a bunch of people.

If there are other SOC people, they can help field calls and provide testimonials. -- click on training

Guidelines on how to do trade shows and presentations:

Sponsoring Events - (Mark Herdering)

Something condusive to SOC. He sponsored GEMS (dealing with personality types)

Cost him $500, and he brought in 4 distributors, so it was $100 each.

They gave them ability to speak before the group, gave them a booth and promoted them, so people came to them. Easy to work a room like that.

Referrals – ask people for referrals when you walk people through a gift account. “I am expanding my business. If you know of people who could use this, I would appreciate the referral.”

Networking Groups - (Judy O’Higgins)

She gets involved as the contact person for the networking group, so she is the first person to start a relationship with a guest. She talks with them, meets them at the door, sits next to them, and builds relationships, then sends cards.

She is the contact person for the speaker, so she gets there early and they are there early and she naturally talks about what she does. Sends thank you for speaking. Contacts them and asks if they want to send some free cards.

People in our everyday life – services we use. Ask if they ever send thank you cards.

Email – (Jordan Adler)

He sends out an email that says he is updating his holiday and birthday list. He asks them to please send correct physical address and birthday. Then he sends birthday cards. Many of the people in his organization today are people he sent a birthday card to.

Setting Up A Booth For Send Out Cards

NOTE: You do not need all of the things listed below to have a successful booth or table! The goal is to earn your investment back and start making a profit, so buy things as you can afford them.

1. Have display board ready to go with samples of our cards attached to it, pick colorful cards and cards that show the various important features – an inexpensive way to create one is to go to Joann’s or Michaels and buy a foam board tri-fold I think it’s under $10. You can use the Velcro round dots to attach your cards to the foam board and switch them out for each season/occasion/audience. I use a showcase display that I ordered from my local Fast Signs store – it is a hard sided tri-fold case and it was about $350 – it has the backing on it that works with Velcro to hold your cards and they can be positioned however you want around the display. It also comes with a header card that I had Fast Signs create with the SOC logo and tag line. My first year in business I used the foam board display and then I made it my goal to buy the more expensive version when I promoted to Sr. Mgr.
2. Have sample cards & envelope w/ stamp available to put in peoples’ hands to show them we have real cards, not e-cards. Again show the important personalization features like cards in your handwriting, photos on the front with Picture Plus (and inside), gift cards.
3. Have handouts ready for estimated number of people attending:
o Flyers with contact information
o Brochures (to those who are serious) & Opportunity DVD’s
o Business cards
o In Touch Journal
o Success From Home Magazine
o Price List (give sparingly to analytical type personalities) or else it can bias someone’s answer before you have a chance to walk them through a gift account.
4. Plastic sleeves with sample Handwriting Font Form to show how it works
5. Acrylic box or other container for raffle entries, and entry forms – glass vase from WalMart or basket, or acrylic box available at Office Max or Staples.
6. Pens (with Sendoutcards logo if possible)
7. SOC Boxes – have a stack of them on your display table – make a sign that lists 3-4 features that will communicate to the people standing around your table waiting to ask you or your team a question. I would highly recommend having a laptop with wireless connection so you can activate each box before the customer leaves your table. Another option would be go to your Main Menu, Management Tools, “Transfer a SOC Box” and print out the list of all of your serial numbers for each SOC Box – write the customer’s name next to the correct serial number. Have a form ready that will ask them to fill out all of the information required to activate the box, staple a business card to the form for back up; then you can activate each box at home.
8. Sendoutcards Banner if location permits. If you are working as a team, try and coordinate your outfits if possible, and wear a name badge. Great resource for name badges: or 913-322-0411.
9. Sendoutcards Table cloth available on for $99 or go to Joann’s and buy red fabric like crushed velvet for around $15, I started with a plain bright red table cloth from Bed, Bath & Beyond that was $10, then I invested in the SOC logo tablecloth in my 2nd year in business.
10. Sendoutcards sign kit available on Purchase Products via your Main Menu $9.50 if you have a 10 x 10 booth for hanging signs on the walls. You cut out the SOC logo and tag line and use it for the header on your foam board display.
11. Laptop if the event runs multiple days, if not it is not recommended. Also, another idea is to bring in a T.V. to play the SOC DVD, SOC Review DVD / SOC Link, or America’s Best Products feature (To view go to Customer Service/Site Index/”M” Media Coverage)
12. Send yourself some Avenue Sweets caramels/nougat in bulk to give out as a sample. Call Bruce Jones to order: 801-556-9788
13. Send yourself some gifts so you can display examples on your table, like brownies, cookies, or books.
14. Digital camera – take photo of yourself in the booth for follow-up cards to prospects. Walk around if you can and take photos of other vendors, send them a follow-up card. Take photos of people who come to your booth as you choose for follow-up card to them.
15. Have FUN, be excited and have “Give to Give” Attitude. We have something special that can help EVERYONE you speak to in their business or personal life.
Talk to the other vendors at the event – try to do this before the public is let in so you’re not seen as a distraction. Ask them how they plan on following up with the people visiting their booth. Have your camera ready, ask to take a picture of them in their booth and you can send them a card. Also have card samples with a business card image on the inside to show them how it can be done. Make sure you get their business card, and take a moment to verify if their mailing address is on the card, if not ask for it! Or else you will be following up by phone/e-mail just to get it. To make it fair among all of your team members, agree ahead of time which vendors each of you will talk to, so each person has a chance to share the number of vendors in the room (for instance, row #1 goes to Nina, row #2 goes to Kristi, row #3 goes to Judy) Look around the room, and discuss with your team, if you already know or have walked through a gift account with some of the vendors, so they don’t get bombarded by everyone.
How to talk to people at your booth – make sure you never sit down during the event! This gives off lackluster energy and people will not be drawn to come over. Stand in front of your table, remember to smile, and have a card and envelope in your hand. People will sometimes try to walk by your booth quickly, walk up to them, introduce yourself, and ask them if they have ever heard of Send Out Cards. If the answer is ‘No’ then say “It is a fantastic service…” and then turn towards your table and start walking to your table while you are still talking about it, and people will always follow you to your table! Because they do not want to be left standing by themselves, and people are naturally lead by a person who is engaging and confident.
Follow Up with sending a card out to all the people who visited your booth that same night or as soon as possible. When you are talking to people and asking them about themselves, when they walk away, make sure to jot some notes on the back of their business card so you can personalize the follow up card you will send. If you are sharing the booth with several team members, agree ahead of time that whoever each person talks to, you will put your name on the back of that person’s business card and that will be who you follow up with. If there are people who just come by and drop their card in your raffle box, then those with no names will be split evenly among all team members. Separate your “Hot” prospects from the rest of your leads, and call them immediately for an appointment, do not wait for the card to get to them. Set up a campaign drip system for people who do not sign up right away, or who you have not returned your phone calls or e-mails. *Here is where it is key to break even on your cost of the booth, and turn a profit for your time and money – you must be diligent in following up otherwise, you will think you’re working your business, but in reality you are operating at a loss by letting those leads go cold.

I wish you the very best success – and I will see you at the top!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Send Out Cards - How Do I Get Started?

Hello! Welcome to our Send Out Cards team! I can remember when I first started my business two years ago in June of 2006 - I was so excited about our company, and how I could touch people with heartfelt greeting cards, that I wanted to stop every person I met. what? How do you actually build your team?

With any business, you need to build your skills if you want to be taken seriously. If you treat this as a business, your paycheck will show it, if you treat it as the occasional hobby, your paycheck will reflect that as well. I will support your decision either way...just be clear which path you are choosing so you are not frustrated with your results.

Step 1: Go to: - this is our company's official training web site, created by the top people in our company. Print out the 90-day action plan, and do the 8 steps listed every day.

Step 2: Stay involved - your team will do what you do. Listen to our team's weekly training calls. Judy O'Higgins & Jordan Adler will send out weekly e-mails on their Monday team calls. Go to as many Treat 'Em Right (TER) seminars as possible. For every guest I have brought, 9 out of 10 sign up with me because they see the amazing vision of our company, product & service. Most importantly, you must absolutely PLAN on attending our next convention on September 23rd-26th, 2009. Invest in your business! For the 14 people on our team that attended this year's convention with me, we will never be the same again because of what we experienced.

Step 3: For our team in Arizona - I hold an informal "Coffee & Cards" team training every Friday at the following location:
Copper Star Bank
7655 W. Thunderbird Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85381
The skills I teach will help you build your team as well as help you in your primary business in building loyal customers. For those of you outside of Arizona - I encourage you to start your own version of Coffee & Cards - you will build your team faster if you step up and become a leader in your city!

Step 4: Write out your "why" - why do you want to be successful? Is it a better life for you and your family? Do you have a huge vision inside of you that will affect many, many people you don't even know yet? Your why will keep you going when you're having a bad day, when you heard 3 people tell you "no" (by the way, "no" just means, "not now") it will also compel you to pick up the phone, even when you don't feel like it.

Step 5: Send out heartfelt cards (give to give) - no selling (give to get) When you make a difference in someone's life, you will see amazing blessings come into your life. Walk those people through sending a card to someone they care about, and keep repeating this over and over.

Step 6: Find ways to be of service to people, and you will have friends and customers for life. This is so simple, that most people dismiss this, and wonder why their business isn't growing. Don't make things more complicated than necessary.

Some of my favorite books:
Beach Money - by Jordan Adler
Your First Year In Network Marketing - by Mark & Rene Yarnell
The Slight Edge - by Jim Olsen
Spirit Driven Success - by Dani Johnson

Some of my Mentors:
I have attended many of Eric and Dani's seminars and the skills I have learned have helped my grow my team in huge ways...plug into their training seminars!
Eric Lofholm -
Dani Johnson -

Your measure of success will be how many people have you actually walked through sending a card? You can send cards and talk to people, but the success will come in the sheer number of people you ACTUALLY WALK THROUGH SENDING A CARD. There is no way around it. Two things happen...the Sender has a light bulb that goes off when they click "send" and secondly, the person who Receives the card calls them and thanks them for making their day. If you are frustrated because you're not "signing up more people" I will ask you how many people have you actually walked through a gift account? Usually this is the issue.

Jordan Adler taught me a huge lesson two years ago - he shared how someone said to him that for every 24-30 people you sign up personally, 1-2 people will go on to build huge teams. He then had about 12 of the top ranked people in our company come up to the front of the room. He asked a couple of key questions: "How long have you been in SOC, How many people have you signed up personally, How many people in your total team, How many people actually make up 80% of your income" As each person recited their numbers, it was amazing that each of these top income earners usually signed up about 2 Entrepreneurs a month and their total team count was HUGE compared to how many they each signed up personally. I realized my numbers were exactly the same as theirs, and that the only difference was that I hadn't been doing it as long as they had - so CONSISTENCY over TIME is the answer!

Where do most people fail in network marketing? They give up too easily. They don't realize it's all about a number ratio - The more people you talk to and walk through sending a card, the more you will have sign up - period. It comes down to badly do you want to set a different course for your life and that of your children? I have a favorite saying...Life is not by luck, it is by what kind of architect are you being for your life???