Sunday, March 28, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way to a movie screening...

Yesterday, my daughter and I were invited to a movie screening for "Autumn Gem" a documentary on China's first feminist, Qiu Jin (by Rae Chang – Writer, Director, Co-Producer and Adam Tow – Cinematographer, Editor, Co-Producer -

We were running late from an appointment across town, and the movie was at the ASU campus in Tempe. Not used to parking around the college, we found one of the last spots available that had a meter. I dug out as much change from my purse, but still a couple quarters short, we walked to the nearest restaurant and asked for change. "Sorry, no change unless you buy something!" Frustrating!

As we walked back to my car, I weighed the risk of being a few minutes short on the meter vs parking ticket, when a couple got out of their car next to ours - I walked over and asked if they had change, which, thankfully they did. As we started to walk away to feed our thirsty meter, the man spoke up, "Excuse me, I know this sounds strange, but can we film you? We're making a video for YouTube on the power of Free Hugs?"

The woman asked my daughter, who is 7, "Is it okay if I give you a hug?" Which my daughter promptly, said, "No thank you!" "Okay, how about if we film you giving your Mom a hug?"

So, thank you to Richard Wilson, for allowing us an opportunity to stop and smell the roses - having a great hug from my daughter put it all in perspective! Here is Richard's YouTube video:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The most interesting people I have met...

A short 4 years ago, I was in a corporate career, working 60-70 hour work weeks, my office was in a cubicle, and I drove in traffic and came home in traffic.

Since starting on my network marketing journey with Send Out Cards, I have been blessed with incredible people coming on to my team. Here is just one example of many...we had team training at my house 2 days ago - 15 people gathered around my dining room table sharing ideas to build our businesses.

When the training ended, I started talking with Barry Johnson, one of the newest people who joined my team on Monday (through one of my strongest leaders, Carrie Cole) Carrie couldn't make the training, so I was having a casual conversation with Barry to get to know him better. I found out Barry has 12 years of experience with marketing through social media! Well, I know just enough about blogging to put a new post on my blog - Barry started teaching me about the all the ways to get your blog to the top Google rankings!

So what's my point? Celebrate the people who join your team, take time to get to know them and honor their expertise - your life will be rich beyond measure with the friends you make! Sitting in a corporate office never would have given me this much fun!

Are you struggling to remember birthdays and important occasions? When was the last time you...
Said Thank You (to your spouse, children, clients, friends, family)
Surprised someone with a box on gourmet brownies?
Decided you will be the catalyst in someone's life by creating smiles?
Send a card on me to make a difference:

To find out more about Barry's incredible knowledge, check out his blog:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Closed Mind Stumbles Over The Blessings Of Life Without Recognizing Them

Napoleon Hill's Thought of the Day:

To the untrained eye, a geode looks pretty much like an ordinary rock. But a trained geologist knows that inside the geode there is a beautiful crystal lining. The story is the same for those who refuse to examine new possibilities because their minds are closed. Life’s greatest opportunities, like the geode, often come in ordinary packaging. Do not allow yourself to become such a creature of habit that you simply go through the motions and let life happen to you. Just taking a new route to work, putting together a jigsaw puzzle, reading a newspaper instead of watching television, or visiting a museum at lunchtime will stimulate your thought processes and may help you open your mind to new possibilities.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Part Time versus Sometime

How Consistent are You?
By Randy Gage
March 17th, 2010

I can’t begin to tell you how many people struggle in this business because of consistency. They get fired up after an event and work like crazy for two weeks. Then the remote control starts to beckon to them…

They go missing for a couple months. Then they get to another event and get fired up again. They try to make up for the lost time with extra hours. Then they drop off again.

What they don’t realize is that each time they go MIA, it kills the momentum in their team. So you can’t really catch up those hours.

You will always get passed by others who may not have manic bursts of high activity, but work consistently ten to 15 hours a weeks. Here’s my law of this:

You can work part-time, but you can’t work sometimes.

So how you doing on this?

How Consistent Are You?

How Consistent are You?

By Randy Gage

March 17th, 2010


I can’t begin to tell you how many people struggle in this business because of consistency. They get fired up after an event and work like crazy for two weeks. Then the remote control starts to beckon to them…

They go missing for a couple months. Then they get to another event and get fired up again. They try to make up for the lost time with extra hours. Then they drop off again.

What they don’t realize is that each time they go MIA, it kills the momentum in their team. So you can’t really catch up those hours.

You will always get passed by others who may not have manic bursts of high activity, but work consistently ten to 15 hours a weeks. Here’s my law of this:

You can work part-time, but you can’t work sometimes.

So how you doing on this?