Friday, March 20, 2009

A New Business...Learning New Skills...Now What???

Most people rush into buying a network marketing business based on an emotional decision. There are key points to consider before you decide to build a business:

1. Does the product or service resonate with what you like to do?
2. Does the company have a reputable leadership team?
3. How long has the company been in business?
4. Does your sponsor's leadership style match what you're looking for? Sometimes you can sign up in a business because you feel obligated to a friend...sometimes it will enrich your friendship, and sometimes it can test a relationship.
5. Look at the industry that the product or service is in - what are the sales $ per year, versus how many companies are competing for the same piece of the pie?
6. Look at the product and service and think about who would use it (does it only appeal to women vs men, etc where it would narrow who you would talk to?)
7. Cost of the product and service versus what people are willing to spend (value/benefit must justify the purchase in people's minds) that you have decided on a network marketing business how do you succeed?

First, know that you need to be committed in consistently working your business daily for 3-5 years. The majority of the people that start a business, quickly stop working it when they hear a few "no's". We live in a microwave society...if results aren't seen immediately then people quit.

Second, know your "why" what drives you to want to succeed?

Third, what is your mindset? There is no boss overseeing you to hold you accountable; this is the challenging part - find a partner, coach, mentor, etc. who will not let you make excuses. Focus on your daily action, and the results will follow.

Fourth, sharpen your skills...this is a people business. If people trust you, they will buy your energy first before they buy your product/service. If you do not have sales skills, this is one of the most important things you can do to increase your results. Because I come from a business background, I am a firm believer that most people can be more successful by being taught that selling is a science. It's not just for the "lucky" - once you know there is a process to selling, it becomes easier to do.

So...once you have the company you like, you know your why, you've started learning sales not get caught in the trap that I see a lot of people fall into perpetual "getting ready to get ready" What does that mean? Some people will get comfortable in the learning mode, and don't transition into the action mode...taking the skills they are learning and going out and applying it to their business.

Why does this happen? I think a big part of it is people are letting fear take over:
1. I don't want to make a mistake
2. I don't want to look foolish
3. What if I get asked a question I don't know the answer to?
Guess what? You will make mistakes, you will not know every answer. Here's the difference between the people who succeed and the people who quit...successful people work through their fear.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Mindset Behind Your Success

We had an amazing guest speaker yesterday at our Coffee & Cards team meeting! For those of you who are outside Arizona or who haven't been able to join us, every Friday morning from 10am-11:30am our team meets to share ideas on how to build your Send Out Cards business.

Yesterday, I invited Kandi Haupt, owner of One Eleven Companies to be a guest speaker. Kandi has a strong life testimonial why she started her corporate training company...a stay at home Mom who was told on Christmas Eve that her husband was divorcing her (what she calls a "Holy Crap Moment")...she had to abandon a life's dream of being a professional singer to starting a career in corporate training. With $1.11 in her bank account, she has built her company on sheer talent, work ethic and delivering on helping her clients get their minds clear so they can get out of their own way.

One of the things I know going from a 20 year corporate career to being an entrepreneur where I am my own boss, is that it is one of the best things being able to create your own day, and at the same time, because no one is looking over my shoulder, I have had moments where the phone seems like it weighs 10,000 pounds and I get every other non-income producing thing the laundry, the dishes, organizing my desk...does this sound familiar to you? I personally have a mentor, and I recommend finding a coach who can shorten your learning curve so you can get moving on your "earning curve" if you try to figure it all out yourself, unfortunately we don't know what we don't know and most people will get frustrated and drop out right before they have a breakthrough. Don't be one of these statistics!

Here are some of the notes I took, although her dynamic personality is something you must experience in person:

You have to have a "shark" in your tank...someone who will hold you accountable.

Put your goals in an envelope and sleep with them under your pillow - it will connect your subconscious mind to your goals.

What does it take to be extraordinary? You must have a "Throw Up Goal" something that makes you so nervous that it makes you want to throw up...if it doesn't then the goal isn't big enough. You have to have a physical reaction to be a worthy goal. You know you're in the right place if you say to yourself "There's no flippin way I can do this!"

It takes the same energy/stress to tackle a small goal versus a large goal.

Billionaires make decisions in 7 seconds. They do not spend time walking around it, thinking about it, analyzing it.

It's not my business what anyone thinks of me.

There is value in walking towards something I'm afraid of versus walking around it and making lists. The longer I wait the harder it gets. JFDI = Just F'n Do It!
Call my chicken list. Get into risk & fear.

It's not about the money - what is your big "why"

Create a space for what I need to show up (like booking tickets to your dream vacation) and then your mind will create a way to make it happen. Remember as kids...we weren't embarrassed to ask, didn't take no for an answer, ask ask I still showing up in my business like a child?

What are the counter thoughts that compete against what I want?

Scarcity mindset - I don't have enough time, money, people things is a program I am accepting as true. How to counteract that...take an extraordinary risk. Think like someone who is abundant.

Sometimes we don't value ourselves enough to have what I want. Someone who isn't congruent in their mindset and actions will break their word all the time. Successful and wealthy people keep their agreements.

Our mind sees in pictures, you must write down your goals. Move up the time frame on your goals to even faster than your original date to complete.

Here are some of the mindset programs that hold us back:
1. Scarcity
2. Fear of Failure
3. Fear of Success
4. Valuable
5. Not Worthy
6. I don't deserve it
7. Programmed to be right (what do you want to be right about that you won't let go of programs that aren't serving you. Are my goals/dreams in alignment?)
8. Need to be in control
9. The need to look good (I have it all figured out)
10. I'm soooo busy.

What are the top 2 things above that are stopping me from getting what I want?

Fear is a motivator - use it! Run towards your fear and tackle it head on to bust it up so you can get unstuck.

If you want to contact Kandi Haupt for more information on her coaching programs:
One Eleven Companies

Friday, March 6, 2009

How To Focus On What's In Front Of You

How To Focus On What’s In Front Of You – Dani Johnson

The Story of the Farmer:
There was a farmer who decided to grow the best corn in his field. He prepared the soil with all of the right nutrients. He hired a team of laborers to help tend to the field. He bought the best quality seeds to make sure they grew into the best corn in the county. After all of the seeds were in the ground, he had to leave for a business trip so he entrusted the care to the laborers. After a couple of weeks, he returned with much anticipation of how his crop would look, he envisioned how good the corn would taste. When he arrived back at the farm and he looked over the field, he saw 2 inch sprouts dotting the landscape. He was expecting to see so much more growth, after all, he bought the best seeds. In frustration, he stomped on all of the new tender sprouts and vowed never to plant again.

A sprout proves something bigger is on the horizon, producing more seeds, which equals a harvest. What you feed, you will flourish, what you starve, you will kill. People belittling your progress are what may have been used on you before. Little sprouts will get overlooked if you are looking for the big harvest. Look for the little sprouts growing in your life and in your business. The difference between seeds and a harvest is TIME. When you neglect the little things, you have to start over.

Focus on the progress only. To get more progress, forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. If you are bringing a past failure into a present situation then walk away from it…otherwise you’re just repeating the same thing.

When you can prove that you prosper where you are planted (with what is in front of you right now) you will be trusted with more.

Sprouts prove there is more to come.

Take the time right now to write down who & what you are thankful for (endorphins are naturally released in your brain):
Great Health

Condemnation breeds ungratefulness – the antidote is Thankfulness

If you have ever taken the time to choose a perfect gift and waited in anticipation for that person to open it and when they do, they don’t acknowledge or appreciate it…how apt are you to want to buy another gift? You are blessed every day, several times a day. Make the time to be thankful to your creator and the people in your life who are your support system.